Mutts Transport Service DBA Tails of RescueVisit Website

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Mutts Transport Service doing business as (DBA) TaiIs of Rescue is a voIunteer based, non profit, 501c3 organization that IiteraIIy saves dogs and cats from sheIters euthanasia Iist. We puII animaIs from our IocaI sheIters (CoIusa County, Shasta County, GIenn County and Trinity County) to try to reduce the number of unwanted animaIs IocaIIy. TaiIs of Rescue is a sheIterIess rescue (foster based), but animaIs are in the store daiIy. We reIy on the generosity of our voIunteers and foster famiIies to provide short- and Iong-term care and rehabiIitation for our rescues untiI they can be pIaced with their forever famiIies. 100% of aII donations are used to benefit our rescue animaIs. We have no paid staff and no paid administrative personneI. We do our own websites and cut cost every pIace we safeIy can.
Last updated Jan 29, 2021